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 XFC 2: Contenders

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Legendary Fighter
Legendary Fighter

Number of posts : 74
Age : 34
Location : Arizona
Registration date : 2007-11-11

XFC 2: Contenders Empty
PostSubject: XFC 2: Contenders   XFC 2: Contenders Icon_minitimeWed Nov 21, 2007 11:42 am

First up is Joseph Alarcon vs Paul Sava

Joseph Alarcon knows that it's an important fight.
The referee ask Paul Sava to remain in his corner until the fight begins.

Both fighters clinch. Florida Boy attempts a trip...good balance demonstrated by The Victimizer.
Florida Boy takedown attempt has failed, and now he's on the ground!
Joseph Alarcon has his opponent on the ground.
The Victimizer controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Florida Boy escaping
Joseph Alarcon is literally gasping to get air.
Paul Sava listens to the advice from his corner.
Joseph Alarcon has his opponent on the ground.
The Victimizer tries a submission but Florida Boy has other plans.
Joseph Alarcon listens to the advice from his corner.
Joseph Alarcon is in the closed guard of Florida Boy
It's not easy to submit The Victimizer in that position.
Joseph Alarcon is in the closed guard of Florida Boy
Florida Boy tries to grapple
Florida Boy manages to push away from Joseph Alarcon and is able to stand back up
Joseph Alarcon seems to be hesitating a bit.
Paul Sava doesn't look like he's worried at all.
Some nice shots from Paul Sava that stun The Victimizer
The Victimizer falls to the ground from the blow.
Paul Sava has his opponent on the ground.
The Victimizer puts his feet in his opponent's thighs.
Paul Sava doesn't look like he's worried at all.
Paul Sava has his opponent on the ground.
The Victimizer keeps his opponent at bay with his legs.
Paul Sava has his opponent on the ground.
The Victimizer manages to push away from Paul Sava and is able to stand back up
Multiple well placed knees from Florida Boy! How many knees can Joseph Alarcon take? Brilliant performance by Florida Boy!
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
Joseph Alarcon fakes a kick.
The Victimizer slips up during the exchange.
Paul Sava doesn't look like he's worried at all.
Paul Sava has his opponent on the ground.
Paul Sava could try a kimura from there...
Paul Sava is in the closed guard of The Victimizer
Florida Boy looks for an opening in his rival's defenses
Paul Sava is in the closed guard of The Victimizer
Florida Boy tries to improve his ground position
Paul Sava is in the closed guard of The Victimizer
Will we see any action? The crowd is starting to boo. Paul Sava is being very passive on the ground.
Paul Sava is in the closed guard of The Victimizer
The Victimizer hits Paul Sava's back with his heels.
Joseph Alarcon looks hurt.
Paul Sava is in the closed guard of The Victimizer
Paul Sava throws a flurry of punches at The Victimizer, but The Victimizer keeps him at a distance with his legs.
Paul Sava is in the guard of The Victimizer
Florida Boy delivers a flurry of punches with a lot of them hitting The Victimizer's defense.
The ref stops the fight!!
The Victimizer may have an injury
Joseph Alarcon's holding his side, he appears to be in terrible pain, he's broken a rib
Paul Sava wins due to injury.

This win will move Paul Sava up in the Middleweight ranks.
XFC 2: Contenders Franklin_
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Legendary Fighter
Legendary Fighter

Number of posts : 74
Age : 34
Location : Arizona
Registration date : 2007-11-11

XFC 2: Contenders Empty
PostSubject: Re: XFC 2: Contenders   XFC 2: Contenders Icon_minitimeWed Nov 21, 2007 12:09 pm

Michael Nosbig looks at the ground while he does his calming exercises. He knows he can not fail this night.
By the looks of it, Peter DeScott has entered the fight ready to give it his best.

The fighters touch gloves.
Both fighters clinch. Venom attempts a throw...good balance demonstrated by Nosbig.
Michael Nosbig is breathing heavy.
Michael Nosbig is dancing a bit in the center of the ring, keeping his distance from Venom.
Michael Nosbig tries to clinch with Venom, but Venom is too agile and gets on his bicycle.
Peter DeScott has his back against the ropes. Both fighters dirty box!
Peter DeScott is breathing heavy.
Both fighters clinch. Venom attempts a throw...good balance demonstrated by Nosbig.
Nosbig throws some knees to the thighs of Peter DeScott while in the clinch.
Peter DeScott is breathing heavy.
Peter DeScott feints.
Venom is taunting Michael Nosbig .
Peter DeScott's kick hits the air.
Nosbig tries to throw Peter DeScott down from a clinch, but Venom shows great balance.
Peter DeScott throws a punch that finds an opening in the defense of Nosbig.
Peter DeScott 's taken more hits than google!
Nosbig smiles. That punch didn't even hurt him.
Peter DeScott looks hurt.
Michael Nosbig takes a breather...
Both fighters clinch. Venom attempts a throw...good balance demonstrated by Nosbig.
Michael Nosbig doesn't look like he's worried at all.
Nosbig throws a body kick. Solid shot!
Peter DeScott throws a combination that just grazes the face of Nosbig. Nosbig is on his bicycle...
Peter DeScott looks hurt.
Michael Nosbig takes a breather...
Michael Nosbig doesn't look like he's worried at all.
Peter DeScott 's taken more hits than a pinata!
Michael Nosbig attempts to knee Venom in the head but, the blows seem glancing at best.
Nosbig is taunting Peter DeScott.
Venom tries to throw Michael Nosbig down from a clinch, but Nosbig shows great balance.
Solid shot from Michael Nosbig to the body of Venom.
The ref stops the fighters. The round is over.

Peter DeScott 's taken more hits than a pinata!
Both fighters clinch. Venom attempts a throw...good balance demonstrated by Nosbig.
The referee tells the fighters to get busy or he'll restart the fight.
Venom waits for a moment.
Nice punches by Peter DeScott who is clearly outboxing his opponent.
Peter DeScott throws punches at Nosbig, but Nosbig is on his bicycle...
Nosbig lands a kick to the left thigh of Peter DeScott.
Michael Nosbig 's mind is definitely in the fight, Venom just got nailed! Michael Nosbig saw an opening and delivered a big right hand!
Venom falls to the ground from the blow.
The ref initiates the count for Peter DeScott
Peter DeScott is able to stand up. He seems tired.
Both fighters clinch. Venom attempts a throw...good balance demonstrated by Nosbig.
Nosbig punishes Peter DeScott's legs with powerful snapping low kicks.
Venom falls to the ground from the blow.
The ref initiates the count for Peter DeScott
Peter DeScott is unable to stand up. The fight is over!

Great fight but it seems like both fighters need to work on their conditioning. The winner is Michael Nosbig.
XFC 2: Contenders MichaelNosbig
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Legendary Fighter
Legendary Fighter

Number of posts : 74
Age : 34
Location : Arizona
Registration date : 2007-11-11

XFC 2: Contenders Empty
PostSubject: Re: XFC 2: Contenders   XFC 2: Contenders Icon_minitimeWed Nov 21, 2007 12:11 pm

Now it's time for our middleweight #1 Contender Matchup, we have Mauricio Filho vs Andrew DeScott.This should be exciting.

Mauricio Filho knows that it's an important fight.
By the looks of it, Andrew Descott has entered the fight ready to give it his best.

Shogun tries to strike within the clinch, but nothing is effective.
Andrew Descott listens to the advice from his corner.
The King tries to clinch, but Mauricio Filho simply shoves him away.
Good knees to the mid-section of The King!
The King falls to the ground from the blow.
Mauricio Filho doesn't look like he's worried at all.
Mauricio Filho has his opponent on the ground.
Andrew Descott looks to defend, as Shogun looks for some opening to attack him while he's on his back.
Mauricio Filho has his opponent on the ground.
Shogun controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The King escaping
Mauricio Filho has his opponent on the ground.
It looks like Mauricio Filho is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
Mauricio Filho is in the closed guard of The King
The King manages to push away from Mauricio Filho and is able to stand back up
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
Good exchange between the two with Andrew Descott clearly getting the better of it.
Shogun falls to the ground from the blow.
Andrew Descott has his opponent on the ground.
Andrew Descott fakes some punches and lands a huge punch to Shogun's face!
Andrew Descott is in the closed guard of Shogun
Shogun manages to push away from Andrew Descott and is able to stand back up
Mauricio Filho listens to the advice from his corner.
Shogun tries to clinch, but Andrew Descott simply shoves him away.
Andrew Descott doesn't look like he's worried at all.
Surprising haymaker by Andrew Descott! It looks like Shogun has hit by a bus!
A small cut has opened on Shogun's chin, he can still fight
Mauricio Filho does not seem like he wants to be here at all. His performance does not seem at top form right now.
Shogun receives a solid kick right below his ribs.
The referee stops Andrew Descott from pounding away at Shogun! Shogun just wasn't defending himself, it's clear he was overmatched in this fight!
Andrew Descott wins by TKO

I don't think Filho ever recovered from the big punch on the ground, great win for The King who will have a shot at the title.

XFC 2: Contenders AndrewDeScott
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Legendary Fighter
Legendary Fighter

Number of posts : 74
Age : 34
Location : Arizona
Registration date : 2007-11-11

XFC 2: Contenders Empty
PostSubject: Re: XFC 2: Contenders   XFC 2: Contenders Icon_minitimeWed Nov 21, 2007 12:20 pm

It's time for our LHW #1 Contender bout we have Chris Lord vs Seamus McFlannigan who is making his debut.

Chris Lord is calm in his corner. He looks convinced of his possibilities.
Seamus McFlannigan looks at the ground while he does his calming exercises. He knows he can not fail this night.

Chris Lord doesn't look like he's worried at all.
Guiness rams his hip into Chris Lord in an attempt to judo toss him, but he couldn't bring Heaven Sent down to the ground.
Chris Lord tries to clinch with Guiness, but Guiness is too agile and gets on his bicycle.
Heaven Sent slips up during the exchange.
Seamus McFlannigan has his opponent on the ground.
Seamus McFlannigan is looking to end this fight as he starts to pound away at Heaven Sent, who is barely covering up!
Heaven Sent manages to push away from Seamus McFlannigan and is able to stand back up
Heaven Sent tries to clinch, but Seamus McFlannigan simply shoves him away.
Solid shot from Chris Lord to the body of Guiness.
Chris Lord has his opponent against the fence while he dominates him with dirty boxing.
Multiple well placed knees from Guiness! How many knees can Chris Lord take? Brilliant performance by Guiness!
Chris Lord is dancing a bit in the center of the ring, keeping his distance from Guiness.
Chris Lord stuffs the takedown from Seamus McFlannigan.
Guiness takedown attempt has failed, and now he's on the ground!
Chris Lord has his opponent on the ground.
Chris Lord is passive in the guard of his opponent.
Chris Lord is in the closed guard of Guiness
It looks like Chris Lord is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
Chris Lord is in the closed guard of Guiness
Chris Lord looks for a way to escape from the complicated situation Guiness has put him in.
Seamus McFlannigan doesn't look like he's worried at all.
Chris Lord is in the closed guard of Guiness
Heaven Sent looks for an opening in his rival's defenses
Heaven Sent controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Guiness escaping
Chris Lord is in the closed guard of Guiness
Seamus McFlannigan seems content to just let the time pass on the ground.
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
Guiness rams his hip into Chris Lord in an attempt to judo toss him, but he couldn't bring Heaven Sent down to the ground.
Both fighters clinch. Guiness attempts a trip...good balance demonstrated by Heaven Sent.
Guiness takedown attempt has failed, and now he's on the ground!
Seamus McFlannigan doesn't look like he's worried at all.
Chris Lord has his opponent on the ground.
Heaven Sent looks for an opening in his rival's defenses
Guiness manages to push away from Chris Lord and is able to stand back up
The two throw punches at one another with no connection.
Chris Lord is holding the fence.
The referee doesn't see that move.
Guiness rams his hip into Chris Lord in an attempt to judo toss him, but he couldn't bring Heaven Sent down to the ground.
Guiness takedown attempt has failed, and now he's on the ground!
Chris Lord has his opponent on the ground.
Chris Lord throws a flurry of punches at Guiness, but Guiness keeps him at a distance with his legs.
Chris Lord is in the closed guard of Guiness
Heaven Sent tries to make a submission
Chris Lord is in the north-south position over Guiness
Guiness improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Guiness
Seamus McFlannigan is in the closed guard of Heaven Sent
Seamus McFlannigan looks to be concentrating on not receiving punishment rather than hitting his opponent.
Seamus McFlannigan is in the closed guard of Heaven Sent
Guiness tries to make a submission
The ref stand the fighters up. The round is over.

Seamus McFlannigan doesn't look like he's worried at all.
Chris Lord's feint doesn't fool Guiness.
Chris Lord doesn't look like he's worried at all.
Good dirty boxing from Chris Lord while he holds his opponent.
The fighters exchange a wild flurry of punches while in the clinch, but Seamus McFlannigan looks to be getting the worst of it!
The fighters clinch, but neither seems to have an advantage.
Guiness slips up during the exchange.
Chris Lord has his opponent on the ground.
It's not easy to submit Guiness in that position.
Chris Lord is in the closed guard of Guiness
Guiness is attempting a submission.
Guiness holds Heaven Sent's arm and slaps on a wrist lock, Heaven Sent starts to tap!
Seamus McFlannigan wins by submission.

Great debut for Guiness he will now get to challenge for the title in what should be a grappling clinic.

XFC 2: Contenders SeamusMcFlannigan
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Legendary Fighter
Legendary Fighter

Number of posts : 74
Age : 34
Location : Arizona
Registration date : 2007-11-11

XFC 2: Contenders Empty
PostSubject: Re: XFC 2: Contenders   XFC 2: Contenders Icon_minitimeWed Nov 21, 2007 12:27 pm

Now it's time for our Champion's exibition match the middleweight champion Lazarus Shepard will take on the lightheavyweight champion Kinse Mambosa.

The fight starts, with the weight advantage for Kinse Mambosa
By the looks of it, Lazarus Shepard has entered the fight ready to give it his best.
Kinse Mambosa is ready to rumble.

Lazarus Shepard is holding the fence.
The referee warns Lazarus Shepard
Good takedown attempt by Mamba but Shephard manages to stay on his feet!
Kinse Mambosa has his back against the fence. Both fighters dirty box!
Shephard falls to the ground from the blow.
Kinse Mambosa doesn't look like he's worried at all.
Kinse Mambosa has his opponent on the ground.
Mamba controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Shephard escaping
Kinse Mambosa has his opponent on the ground.
Kinse Mambosa throws some glancing punches, but Shephard is defending himself well at the moment.
Kinse Mambosa is in the closed guard of Shephard
Mamba controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Shephard escaping
Lazarus Shepard looks hurt.
Kinse Mambosa doesn't look like he's worried at all.
Kinse Mambosa is in the closed guard of Shephard
Mamba controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Shephard escaping
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
Lazarus Shepard's mind is definitely in the fight, Mamba just got nailed! Lazarus Shepard saw an opening and delivered a big right hand!
Mamba falls to the ground from the blow.
Lazarus Shepard has his opponent on the ground.
Mamba keeps his opponent at bay with his legs.
Lazarus Shepard has his opponent on the ground.
Those kicks from Kinse Mambosa while on his back are hitting Shephard's legs solidly.
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
Mamba rams his hip into Lazarus Shepard in an attempt to judo toss him, but he couldn't bring Shephard down to the ground.
Mamba takedown attempt has failed, and now he's on the ground!
Lazarus Shepard has his opponent on the ground.
Lazarus Shepard seems content to just let the time pass on the ground.
Lazarus Shepard is in the closed guard of Mamba
Mamba looks for an opening in his rival's defenses
Kinse Mambosa is attempting a triangle choke! Shephard is turning blue .. he taps!
Kinse Mambosa wins by submission.

Valiant effort by Lazarus Shepard but in the end Mambosa imposed his will on the smaller man and set up a submission.

XFC 2: Contenders KinseMambosa
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Legendary Fighter
Legendary Fighter

Number of posts : 74
Age : 34
Location : Arizona
Registration date : 2007-11-11

XFC 2: Contenders Empty
PostSubject: Re: XFC 2: Contenders   XFC 2: Contenders Icon_minitimeWed Nov 21, 2007 12:30 pm

Paul Sava, Andrew DeScott, and Seamus McFlannigan recieve two stat points everyone else recives one.
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PostSubject: Re: XFC 2: Contenders   XFC 2: Contenders Icon_minitime

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